Monday, January 29, 2018

January 28, 2018 John 3 - Preached at St. Paul's, Penn Yan

             I’m sure an image comes to mind the moment you hear the phrase, “I’m a born again Christian.”  Of course it’s rooted in the conversation between Jesus and the Pharisee Nicodemus where Jesus tells Nicodemus that he must be “born again.”  Nicodemus doesn’t get it and the conversation unfolds in an almost ridiculous way as Nicodemus tries to figure out how to climb back inside ones mother’s womb.  But the way many people who call themselves “born again” understand it is almost as off the mark as Nicodemus’ understanding.
            The word in question is the Greek word  It has a double meaning.  It means both “born again” and “born from above”.  The way Jesus uses it requires us to keep both meanings at work simultaneously.
            Often when people talk about being “born again” they are talking about a personal conversion experience that has happened to them.  That’s not only not what Jesus had in mind at all, but it also misses the double meaning of the word. 
            The idea of being born again does indeed suggest being born into a new way of thinking and being as a human.  Including the idea of being “born from above” moves the focus to what has been done for us by Jesus.  Here are the words from biblical commentator Gail O’Day, “Contemporary usage of ‘born again’… emphasizes personal change more than the external source of that change: the cross.”  (New Interpreter’s Bible, Volume 9, Pg. 555) 
I’ve met far too many people who are smug about being “born again.”  They use it like a slogan and look down long judgmental noses at people like Lutherans who don’t do much with the idea.  When someone does that he or she has completely missed the point of being born again.  Born again is not a religious conversion experience.  It is an entirely new way of recognizing reality as it has been created for us by Jesus.
We live in politically charged times.  It seems like whenever either major political party has a legislative win they hold a press conference to tout what they have done.  There may be speeches and those speeches include praise for backers and supporters.
Indeed it is good to thank people who have worked to make something possible, but there is also a lot of, “I’ll scratch your back if you’ll scratch mine,” kind of thing going on.  It becomes an exchange of glory and a condemnation of opponents.  The focus is on what we did, and it tears down the losers.
The new way of recognizing reality as it has been created for us by Jesus is totally different.  There the focus is first and foremost what Jesus did for us.  When Jesus died on the cross he did not do so because he was a depressed man who felt he was worthless and had given up on life.  No, Jesus was full, strong and capable.  He could have changed things any time he wanted and in any way he wanted.  But he chose to let things happen as they did.  It is always ironic that just as the religious leaders are trying to thwart God’s plans by killing Jesus they actually are carrying them out.
A phrase I like to use is, Jesus did not give up his life.  He gave away his life.  Giving up is quitting and admitting defeat.  Giving away means that you know you have something of great value to offer and you are providing it to someone else because it will be a benefit to them.
There is a true selflessness involved when you give away and don’t have any expectations of a return.
Truly being born again/born from above – and I think it’s best that we use both, not just one, even though it’s awkward – means that you have moved your life’s orientation away from the: give and take,
I’ll scratch your back if you’ll scratch mine,
Let’s make a deal,
sort of life.  It’s when you can make every decision of your life, whether it be big or small, based on what Jesus has done for you, and you know you have been saved by his work.  Therefore everything that you are – all you skills and abilities, your money, your connections, your education, and everything becomes tools you can implement to bring about God’s kingdom.
But this is very very radical thinking.  It is a very radical way of life.
If you bought a house in your lifetime what was going through your mind as you selected it or shopped for it?  Maybe things like whether you liked the floor plan or not, or how new the roof and furnace was, maybe the condition of the electrical and plumbing systems.  Certainly things like price and location were factors in your decision.
I would love to see the look on a realtor’s face if someone went in and said, “I need to buy a house that will best equip me to share the love Jesus has for me.  What do you have that’ll fit that bill?”
How did you choose your car?  Size, age, price…  How about how well it would equip you to be an evangelist.
I’m waiting for a Christian clothing store to open up that will carry fashions designed to maximize our effectiveness at spreading the gospel.  If such a store ever opened do you think it would stay in business long?
And of course, ideally you’d choose your spouse based on which person in this world best compliments your life of discipleship in Christ – in other words, finding a partner who best helps you to work for God’s kingdom.
I can’t speak for everyone, certainly not the women, maybe you are truly better in this, but as a guy I can tell you that men don’t go checking women out and ranking their attractiveness based on the sophistication of their faith!
That, however, is the radical life reorientation that comes from truly being born again/born from above.  It is building life based on what Christ has done and then seeing everything –everything - that you are as a tool you can use to share Christ’s goodness with others.
Being born again doesn’t mean you’ve got a stamp of endorsement on your “Get into Heaven Free” card.  It is a way of being focused on what Christ has done.
            From that perspective I think we all fall short, way short.  At least I do.  Maybe you’re better than me.  Thanks be to God that God is loving and patient and kind with our sinful failings and that God will forgive us over and over and over again as we forever struggle to get it right, and seem to forever fall back into the dark ways of the world which so foolishly promise us happiness apart from God. 
The full character of God has been revealed in Jesus.  Our gospel reading included the ever famous John 3:16, “For God so loved the world that he gave his only son so that those who believe in him may not perish but have eternal life.”  God is love.  God wants there to be light, life and joy among his people.  God’s love knows no bounds.  God’s love is afraid of nothing.  God’s love can do anything. 
May you wake up every morning and remind yourself that you are loved by God, and know that you are born again/born from above.  Your life’s orientation is on what God has done in the past and what God is doing through you.

God does not want to condemn the world.  God wants to save the world.  In fact, through the cross of Christ God has already saved the world.  He invites you to live out that reality and share it, so that indeed all may know of God’s great gift and be willing to accept it.

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